In facto, in nomine Domini Translation LABIUM est LABIUM. Hoc est primum propositus by Anglus nomine Elchart in MDCCCIX et modum iactantesLABIUMet simul fuit propositus, sed hoc non fuit Latinusus idelysatis enim a dum. Usque ad principium saeculi XX,LABIUMssunt late in variis mechanica apparatu et hospites pipeline.
LABIUMsqui etiam vocatur LABIUM convex disks or convex disks. For those who are engaged in mechanical or engineering installations, LABIUMs should be very familiar. It is a disc-shaped part and is generally used in pairs.
Hoc est maxime usus ut in partibus ingenio et symphoniae, et symphoniae, et organis, et symphoniae, et armorum, quae sunt connexae ad invicem, ut signationem ludere a partes. Quia inter tot armorum usus tunsione erunt vectes utrumque nexu et cohaerentia partium nomine signantes munusLABIUMs.
FereLABIUM has round holes for fixing. For example, when it is used at the pipe connection, a sealing ring is added between the two LABIUMs, and then the bolt is used to fasten the connection. The LABIUMs with different pressures have Different thicknesses and different bolts are used. The main materials used for LABIUMs are carbon steel, stainless steel and alloy steel.
Debitum ad important officiumLABIUMs and good overall performance, LABIUMs are widely used in chemical, petrochemical, fire protection and drainage industries.
LABIUMs are widely used in the world as a kind of connector, which requires a unified standard. For example, pipeline LABIUMs now mainly have two standard systems.